I know I should wear sunblock every time I leave the house. Doctors recommend it. And there’s no compelling reason not to. It’s simple. It’s cheap. It takes five seconds. Yet I keep forgetting to do it. Each time I leave the house, my mind is occupied by other thoughts: Do I have my keys? Wallet? Phone?
Will I need a jacket? Is the oven still on? Do I have directions? Is it rush hour? Am I wearing shoes? Sunblock is the last thing on my mind.
There’s a biological basis for that: Our brains are limited. We were designed to gather and hunt, not to check Twitter on our smartphones while simultaneously grabbing an apple as we run out the door. This is my approach to money, career and time: Our mental energy is limited. We have a small reserve that we can use each day, and once we are done, we are done. We can increase it through practice, but it will always be finite. In order to grow wealth, spur our dreams into action and live a rock star life, we have to ruthlessly prioritize your goals.
The moment you choose to say that your goal can wait until tomorrow is the moment you give up on your goal.
Right now, think of every significant goal you have in your life. Are you seeking debt freedom? Are you seeking financial independence?
Whatever it is, ask yourself what you can do today to move forward on each of those goals.
Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today.
Every day you don’t work toward your goals is a day lost. Today matters.