I don’t think there’s a better feeling in the world than having succeeded at some large goal.
That moment when you send in your last mortgage payment? It’s magic.
That day when you sign the papers to get your first novel published? Unparalleled.
That day you managed that ten minute or eight minute or six minute mile? Incredible.
I wouldn’t trade the feeling of achieving a large goal for virtually anything else in the world. Almost every great moment in my life – save the birth of my children – was the culmination of a goal.
It feels so incredible because the achievement of that goal is built on the back of a lot of hard work. You’ve worked and worked and worked to make this thing happen. Now that you’ve actually seen it grow to fruition, it’s amazing.
Beyond that, as you move forward from such a success, you can always look back on that achievement and feel good. It becomes a constant warmth that you can look to any time you need motivation or a positive feeling in your life.
In fact, for me, working toward goals has become something of a healthy addiction. I find a ton of value in filling my spare time with progress toward personal life goals.
The recipe here is simple. Define your big goal, then break it down into little actions you do each day. The key is that when you’re making that little action or little decision each day, think about how good it will feel when you reach your goal. Imagine, just for a second, how great it will feel to send in that last mortgage payment or to reach six figures in your investing account.
Think about the rush of achieving your big goal and then walk away with a smile on your face knowing that your chain of good choices will get you there.