Every single day gives us a new morning. We’ve awakened to a day that is free from mistakes. It’s full of hours and hours of opportunity. Do we fill those hours with doing the same old thing that got us into the state that we’re in today?
Or do we throw aside some of those old routines and choices and try to work for something a little better in our lives? Today is a day where you can complete a project that’s been on your mind for a while. Today is a day when you can learn something new. Today is a day when you can invest the time to build a stronger relationship with someone. Today is a day when you can set up things to save you time and money later on. Today is a day to master one real estate strategy and take action.
At the same time, today is a day where we can burn away the hours in idleness. Today is a day where we can spend money needlessly on things and activities we’ll scarcely remember in a day or two. Today is a day where we can think a bit about working on a project… and then decide not to do it because there’s a good program on television.
By the end of the day, all of us will have filled those hours with something. When we close our eyes tonight, we’ll have some time to reflect on it and ask ourselves whether or not we used those hours well. A day well lived will put a smile on our face and send us easily off to dreamland. A day poorly spent leaves us feeling full of regret.
A day well lived gives us something to build upon for the next day. A day poorly spent leaves us in the same place – or even a worse place – than we started.
A day well lived puts another stone or two in place for our road to where we want to go. A day poorly spent leaves us convinced that
we’ll never reach that destination.
The miracle of all of this is that when we wake up the next morning, we have the same choice to make all over again.
We can spend that next day building on the successes of the previous day. Or, we can spend that day continuing the path to idleness.
We make that choice every single morning, and every single evening
we close our eyes to reflect on that choice.