Session 1: Reach for the Financial Stars - 25 Decisions that will change your life.
Paola Breda, the 'cut the crap' mentor and founder of Canadian Financial Freedom (, Real Estate investor, teacher and mentor will share her real estate and wealth secrets:
- Paola will share 25 tips to change your current financial situation into your financial freedom.
- Rid yourself of the debt and negative decisions that plague you and turn them into positive decisions to begin your journey to financial freedom.
- Teach you how you can truly achieve your financial goals?
Session Two: Overseas Real Estate: The good, the bad & the beautiful
Jason Reynar will explore the good, bad and beautiful of acquiring overseas vacation, rental income, retirement, and land speculation in Costa Rica as a case example. While every experienced real estate investor has an analysis for assessing a particular opportunity, how does this evaluation differ with an overseas rather than domestic property?
Jason will discuss how to perform due diligence and address the following topics:
- Learn due diligence strategies for developers
- Review tropical rental income expectations
- Consider tax, management and travel logistics
- Understand land appreciation gains
- Understand property ownership;
- What about financing considerations;
- How do I analyse a rental income?
- Are there tax implications for Canadians?
- Developer due diligence
- Environmental factors
- Travel and residency logistics
- Vacationing experience.
U.S. real estate is cheap and the Canadian dollar is high. If you have been considering buying a retirement home in the sun, now is the time. Colin Smith from Florida Half Off, helps Canadians purchase Real Estate in Florida. He will be discussing the following:
- An abundance of available properties has created the ideal atmosphere for some serious ROI
- Not sure where to buy? Not sure what to buy?
- 10 Reasons to Invest in Florida.